Primary Information |
BoMiProt ID | Bomi8745 |
Protein Name | Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 3 |
Organism | Bos taurus |
Uniprot ID | Q0II80 |
Milk Fraction | Whey |
Ref Sequence ID | NP_001069754.1 |
Aminoacid Length | 225 |
Molecular Weight | 25007 |
FASTA Sequence |
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Gene Name | ARHGDIG |
Gene ID | 613745 |
Protein Existence Status | reviewed |
Secondary Information |
Protein Function | Inhibits GDP/GTP exchange reaction of RhoB. |
Biochemical Properties | The NH2-terminal alpha helix of RhoGDI-3 is strongly amphipatic.Contained 21 additional amino acids in the NH2-terminal region .The incomplete RhoGDI-3 protein, lacking the first 68 NH2-terminal residues, could only interact with the GTP-bound RhoB-G14V protein. α-loop-α-loop secondary structure is important for specificity of the interaction between GDI-3 and Rho proteins. |
Site(s) of PTM(s)
| NA |
Predicted Disorder Regions | (30-54) |
DisProt Annotation | |
TM Helix Prediction | no TM helices |
Bibliography | Zalcman G, Closson V, Camonis J, Honoré N, Rousseau-Merck MF, Tavitian A, Olofsson B. RhoGDI-3 is a new GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI). Identification of a non-cytosolic GDI protein interacting with the small GTP-binding proteins RhoB and RhoG. J Biol Chem. 1996 Nov 29;271(48):30366-74. doi: 10.1074/jbc.271.48.30366. PMID: 8939998. |