BoMiProt is a manually curated, exclusive repository of comprehensive information on experimentally characterized protein found in bovine milk.
Each entry in BoMiProt has a unique identifier BoMiProt ID and categorized according to different fraction of bovine milk, whey, fat globule
membrane and exosomes. In this database, 10642 proteins have been included with primary information, 1789 of which are provided with detailed
protein annotations including protein function, biochemical properties, PTMs’, functional role, significance of the protein in milk and Hierarchical
classification structural information. These well annotated proteins with secondary information are called as ‘BoMiProt defined proteins’ in the
database. This is an in-depth bovine milk proteome reference database that provides a bird’s eye view of the on-going research on bovine milk and
possible information gaps that needs attention for maximizing health promoting effects of milk and different dairy products in a positive way.