Search by BoMiProt ID - Bomi8624

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BoMiProt ID Bomi8624
Protein Name Rap1 GTPase-GDP dissociation stimulator 1/Exchange factor smgGDS/SMG GDS protein/SMG P21 stimulatory GDP/GTP exchange protein
Organism Bos taurus
Uniprot IDQ04173
Milk FractionWhey
Aminoacid Length 558
Molecular Weight 61067
FASTA Sequence Download
Gene Name RAP1GDS1
Protein Existence Status reviewed

Secondary Information

Protein Function Smg GDS is a regulator having two activities on a group of small G proteins including the Rho and Rap1 family members and Ki-Ras; one is to stimulate their GDP/GTP exchange reactions, and the other is to inhibit their interactions with membranes.
Biochemical Properties Structurally, it has 11 Arm repeats, a protein interaction motif, found in the Drosophila Armadillo protein, a homolog of mammalian beta-catenin.SMAP was a protein with a Mr of 91,189 and 792 amino acids. SMAP had 9 Arm repeats. Recombinant SMAP interacted with recombinant Smg GDS but did not affect the two activities of Smg GDS on RhoA.
PTMs N6-Acetylation at Lys,Phosphorylation at Lys
Site(s) of PTM(s)

N-glycosylation, O-glycosylation,
Predicted Disorder Regions NA
DisProt Annotation
TM Helix Prediction No TM helices
Significance of PTMs SMAP was a protein with a Mr of 91,189 and 792 amino acids. SMAP had 9 Arm repeats. Recombinant SMAP interacted with recombinant Smg GDS but did not affect the two activities of Smg GDS on RhoA. 
Additional Comments SMAP was significantly homologous to sea urchin SpKAP115, suggesting that SMAP is a mammalian counterpart of SpKAP115 or its related protein. SpKAP115 is an accessory subunit of sea urchin kinesin II, an ATPase motor that transports vesicles along microtubules. 
Bibliography Shimizu K, Kawabe H, Minami S, Honda T, Takaishi K, Shirataki H, Takai Y. SMAP, an Smg GDS-associating protein having arm repeats and phosphorylated by Src tyrosine kinase. J Biol Chem. 1996 Oct 25;271(43):27013-7. doi: 10.1074/jbc.271.43.27013. PMID: 8900189.