Search by BoMiProt ID - Bomi6182

Primary Information

BoMiProt ID Bomi6182
Protein Name H2.0-like homeobox protein/Homeobox protein HLX1
Organism Bos taurus
Uniprot IDA7MB54
Milk FractionWhey,exosome
Ref Sequence ID NP_001094567.1
Aminoacid Length 486
Molecular Weight 50415
FASTA Sequence Download
Gene Name HLX
Gene ID 519165
Protein Existence Status reviewed

Secondary Information

Protein Function Transcription factor required for TBX21/T-bet-dependent maturation of Th1 cells as well as maintenance of Th1-specific gene expression. Involved in embryogenesis and hematopoiesis.H2.0-like homeobox 1 (HLX1) is a homeobox transcription factor gene expressed primarily in cytotrophoblast cell types in the early pregnancy human placenta and involved in the development of enteric nervous system.
PTMs Ubiquitination at Lys175,Phosphorylation
Site(s) of PTM(s)

N-glycosylation, O-glycosylation,
Predicted Disorder Regions 3 disordered segments; (86-155), (168-177), (357-483)
DisProt Annotation
TM Helix Prediction No TM helices
Additional Comments increased levels of nonclustered H2.0-like homeobox (HLX) lead to loss of functional hematopoietic stem cells and formation of aberrant progenitors with unlimited serial clonogenicity and blocked differentiation.Inhibition of HLX Leads to Decreased Cell Cycling, Increased Cell Death, and Differentiation of AML Cells and Causes Significant Changes in Gene Expression
Bibliography Kawahara M, Pandolfi A, Bartholdy B, Barreyro L, Will B, Roth M, Okoye-Okafor UC, Todorova TI, Figueroa ME, Melnick A, Mitsiades CS, Steidl U. H2.0-like homeobox regulates early hematopoiesis and promotes acute myeloid leukemia. Cancer Cell. 2012 Aug 14;22(2):194-208. doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2012.06.027. PMID: 22897850; PMCID: PMC3422691.