Search by BoMiProt ID - Bomi5946

Primary Information

BoMiProt ID Bomi5946
Protein Name Gastrin-releasing peptide
Organism Bos taurus
Uniprot IDQ863C3
Milk FractionWhey
Ref Sequence ID NP_001094709.1
Aminoacid Length 134
Molecular Weight 14934
FASTA Sequence Download
Gene Name GRP
Gene ID 615323
Protein Existence Status reviewed

Secondary Information

Presence in other biological fluids/tissue/cells is present in a variety of different mammalian tissues, in particular the brain, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and the lung.
Protein Function Stimulates the release of gastrin and other gastrointestinal hormones.GRP acts by binding to the GRP receptor (GRPR, also called BB2), a member of the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily. GRP produced by neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) plays a role in synaptic transmission by activating GRPRs located on postsynaptic membranes, influencing several aspects of brain function.
Biochemical Properties is a 27-amino acid mammalian neuropeptide
Significance in milk Immunoreactive and increase smooth muscle tone and rhythmic contractions
PTMs Amidation, Cleavage on pair of basic residues
Site(s) of PTM(s)

N-glycosylation, O-glycosylation,
Predicted Disorder Regions 4 disordered segments;(1-5), (26-41), (45-79), (83-134)
DisProt Annotation
TM Helix Prediction 1TMH; (7-29)
Bibliography 1.Foy WL, Allen JM, McKillop JM, Goldsmith JP, Johnston CF, Buchanan KD. Substance P and gastrin releasing peptide in bovine mesenteric lymphatic vessels: chemical characterization and action. Peptides. 1989 May-Jun;10(3):533-7. doi: 10.1016/0196-9781(89)90138-1. PMID: 2476787. 2.Roesler R, Kent P, Luft T, Schwartsmann G, Merali Z. Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor signaling in the integration of stress and memory. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2014 Jul;112:44-52. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2013.08.013. Epub 2013 Aug 31. PMID: 24001571.