Search by BoMiProt ID - Bomi3627

Primary Information

BoMiProt ID Bomi3627
Protein Name Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5/Arp2/3 complex 16 kDa subunit/p16-ARC
Organism Bos taurus
Uniprot IDQ3SYX9
Milk FractionWhey
Ref Sequence ID NP_001030524.1
Aminoacid Length 151
Molecular Weight 16230
FASTA Sequence Download
Gene Name ARPC5
Gene ID 614345
Protein Existence Status reviewed

Secondary Information

Protein Function Component of the Arp2/3 complex, Arp2/3 complex also promotes actin polymerization in the nucleus, thereby regulating gene transcription and repair of damaged DNA.
Biochemical Properties Arp2/3 (actin-related protein 2/3) complex is a seven-subunit complex that nucleates branched actin filaments in response to cellular signals. Nucleation-promoting factors such as WASp/Scar family proteins activate the complex by facilitating the activating conformational change and recruiting the first actin monomer for the daughter branch.
PTMs Acetylation, Ubl conjugation
Site(s) of PTM(s)

N-glycosylation, O-glycosylation,
SCOP Class : All alpha proteins
Fold : alpha-alpha superhelix
Superfamily : Arp2/3 complex 16 kDa subunit ARPC5
Family : Arp2/3 complex 16 kDa subunit ARPC5
Domain Name : 1K8K G:9-151

CATH Matched CATH superfamily
Predicted Disorder Regions (1-75)
DisProt Annotation
TM Helix Prediction No TM helices
Significance of PTMs Polyubiquitinated by RNF128 with 'Lys-63'-linked chains, leading to proteasomal degradation.