Search by BoMiProt ID - Bomi231

Primary Information

BoMiProt ID Bomi231
Protein Name Ataxin-10
Organism Bos taurus
Uniprot IDQ2TBW0
Milk FractionMFGM
Ref Sequence ID NP_001070519.1
Aminoacid Length 475
Molecular Weight 53102
FASTA Sequence Download
Gene Name ATXN10
Gene ID 767990
Protein Existence Status Reviewed: Experimental evidence at transcript level

Secondary Information

Presence in other biological fluids/tissue/cells exclusively found in the cytosolic fraction of cell lysates
Protein Function essential for the survival of this subpopulation of neurons. Ataxin-10 inhibits endothelial cell activation and may serve as a promising therapeutic target for some vascular inflammatory-related diseases such as atherosclerosis.
Biochemical Properties member of the armadillo repeat protein family with an all- -helical fold; tendency for homo-oligomerization
PTMs Omega-N-methylation at Arginine,Phosphorylation at Ser
Site(s) of PTM(s)

N-glycosylation, O-glycosylation,
Predicted Disorder Regions NA
DisProt Annotation
TM Helix Prediction No TM helices
Bibliography 1. März, P. et al. (2004) ‘Ataxin-10, the spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 neurodegenerative disorder protein, is essential for survival of cerebellar neurons.’, The Journal of biological chemistry, 279(34), pp. 35542–50. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M405865200. 2.Li Y, Zhang Q, Li N, Ding L, Yi J, Xiao Y, Chen S, Huang X. Ataxin-10 Inhibits TNF-α-Induced Endothelial Inflammation via Suppressing Interferon Regulatory Factor-1. Mediators Inflamm. 2021 Nov 23;2021:7042148. doi: 10.1155/2021/7042148. PMID: 34858081; PMCID: PMC8632433.